CD front cover

DJ Discusses 'Hidden Messages' on PF LP's


Data: February 1980
Miejsce: WAQX, Syracuse, New York, USA
FM Broadcast
1. Sheep
2. Backwards-Masking: The Beatles
3. Empty Spaces

This is an interesting time-capsule highlighting an early example of the 1980's obsession with rock music's apparent moral decay... by the mid-80's the American Religious Right had created a firestorm around 'satanic lyrics' and backward-masked messages which seemed to be causing many of their children to take drugs, wear black clothes and eye-liner... the kind of things kids wouldn't do unless some malevolent influence was causing them to act out of character :-)

The DJ was Steve Becker, assisted by an unnamed evangelical who seems to have made it his life's work to expose the dangers of this stuff. It's all quite amusing, especially the bit where we're told the '23rd Psalm' excerpt from Sheep is only apparent after listening to the song a hundred or more times... is it really that obscured?!

Added:  01.10.2007

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