Dusty Tapes
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Psychedelic Closet Records is proud to present yet another super rare collection of video material, which we have titled: Pink Floyd - Dusty Tapes (A rare collection of Pink Floyd backdrop films). The videos appear to be many generations old, but their rarity has prompted us to unleash them on the Floyd community, so certain are we that any self respecting Pink Floyd fan will want to own them, regardless of their relatively average picture quality. In many cases, these videos came without sound, so the great EskimoSpy has gone to great lenghts to investigate their orgins and match the videos with the audio that would have accompanied Pink Floyd's live shows. In instances where an audio track was required, the legendary 1974 Wembley FM broadcast of Pink Floyd performing Dark Side If The Moon has been utilised. We sincerely hope you enjoy this DVD video presentation as much as we do! |
Added: 29.05.2007