The MTV Specials


Data: 1988-1989

Back in the late 1980's MTV aired a "Pink Floyd Weekend", to promote the Floyd's tour across the USA. At that time (1988), stereo television broadcasts were rare - MTV may have been the only channel which broadcast in stereo regularly. In order to receive a stereo signal, you had to rent or purchase a stereo decoder box. Not many people had access to stereo VCR's either.
Fortunately, a Beta tape has materialised which was created with a stereo Beta machine by a guy with a stereo decoder box! ESKIMOSPY proudly presents the two primary MTV specials that were aired, for the first time in STEREO on DVD.
Disc One contains the special "Over The Wall". This is approximately an hour in length & features several full length music videos.
Disc Two contains the special "Shine On" which is a "Rockumentary" for those of you old enough to remember that series on MTV. This is a half hour in length.

Added:  20.04.2006