CD front cover

UFO Club 1st Generation


Data: 20 January 1967
Miejsce: UFO Club, Tottenham Court Road, London, England
Performance shown during the Granada TV Documental 'It's So Far Out It's Straight Down' broadcasted on March 8th 1967
1. Matilda Mother  (w/ voiceover)
2. Interstelar Overdrive (w/ voiceover)
3. More IO

I tracked this from the whole documental. I include here the last tune of the documental, which to me sounds as Interestellar Overdrive. Also, Matilda includes an additional verse than the usual versions from the compilations, it's just a verse and then 30 seconds of voice and then the song starts again, but i decided to include it since it's part of the song. EX- sound (for a '67 recording). I always this listed as January 20th or 27th, i suppose January 20 this the one right. I think the date of the broadcast of the documental is about right too.

This one seems to be making the rounds already! It's the full broadcast of the Granada TV Scene Special (commonly subtitled It's So Far Out It's Straight Down) ... for a total running time of just about 30 minutes! This is by far my favorite "non-concert" roio. It's a great documentary on the underground scene in London, around 1966/67. Has two pieces by Pink Floyd, commonly named the "underground house orchestra". The songs performed are Matilda Mother and Interstellar Overdrive but they are unfortunately overlapped, for the most part, by commentary. This is much better in sound than the previous versions. It comes from a 1st generation source. Highly recommended to everyone. This should give the young Floyd fan a good view on how things were in 1967 ... and also a couple good laughs.

Added:  29.09.2007

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