Live At The Beacon Theatre


Data: 5 June 2003
Miejsce:  Beacon Theatre, New York City, USA

1. There There
2. 2+2=5
3. The National Anthem
4. Morning Bell
5. Scatterbrain
6. Kid A
7. Go To Sleep
8. Climbing Up The Walls
9. Backdrifts
10. Sail To The Moon
11. Sit Down, Stand Up
12. No Suprises
13. Talk Show Host
14. Where I End And You Begin
15. Paranoid Android
16. Idioteque
17. After The Goldrush
18. Everything In It's Right Place
19. I Might Be Wrong
20. The Gloaming
21. A Punchup At A Wedding
22. Fake Plastic Trees
23. Lucky
24. True Love Waits

Added: 07.08.2006